Round Tables
09th May, 11:30-13:00
Room 1 - Auditorium
Professor Goran Putnik, University of Minho (Portugal)
Moderated by:
10th May, 11:30-13:00
Room 1 - Auditorium
Moderated by:
Dr. Helio Castro, ISEP (Portugal)
Professor Goran Putnik, University of Minho (Portugal)
There is a strong correlation between (industrial) revolutions and education. It means that Industry 4.0 virtually will be strongly related to education too. Considering that Industry 4.0 is declared a 4th industrial revolution, and considering that the (technological) revolutions implies transformative changes, a number of questions concerning education on design for Industry 4.0 emerges. For example, does the actual education paradigm is capable to provide adequate learning instrument for achieving Industry 4.0 goals ? If yes, do we need improvements of the actual educational model, or, If not, which is a new, more adequate educational paradigm. ^what is the role of design in Industry 4.0 and how it should be addressed in actual, or, new educational paradigm and model ? Is the role of design sub-estimated or over-estimated concerning Industry 4.0 implementation ? What we have learned from the past concerning education on design ? What are new design objects besides “traditional” discrete products ? What should be the role of new and emergent ICT in education on design for Industry 4.0 ? Etc.
The Round Table will put on discussion, and dialogue, the above mentioned questions, for better understandings and share of ideas on the educational paradigm for design for Industry 4.0.
Open design projects are leverage due to involvement of designers, developers, and
consumers - end-users - in a large scale (mass resources). This approach is driven by a
continuous truly collaborative and participative impetus among the involved members of the
project community.
Although Industry 4.0 also are addressed large scale resources - IoT, IIoT, sensors - and
information processing - cloud computing, artificial intelligence - towards smart hardware, the
concept lacks the element that truly develops innovation, the human interactions and intellect.
Regarding Industry 4.0, large scale communities and open design networks concept as
exponential technology will debate during this RoundTable