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Keynote 1 - Open Product Design for Open Innovation

Peihua Gu, Professor

School of Mechanical Engineering Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

Keynote 2 - The Evolution of Open Design

Paulo Garrido, Associate Professor  

Algoritmi Center University of Minho, LIAAD INESCTEC, Portugal

CIRP Design 2019 Keynote 1 - Open Product Design for Open Innovation

Peihua Gu, Professor

School of Mechanical Engineering

Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

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Technologies and innovations are two of the main driving forces for improvement of product quality, environment friendliness, manufacturing productivity, and profit margins. As technological advancement is getting faster and product life cycle getting shorter, traditional approaches to product innovation mainly replying on internal capabilities and capacities of companies cannot respond to market changes efficiently, more companies adopt open and networked innovations. To facilitate more effective innovation processes of product development, open product design concepts and design methods were proposed to allow customers and other vendors to participate in the product innovation processes. This presentation will compare the open and the close innovations and discuss the rationalized function definitions, the architectures and the interfaces of open product design, associated design processes and design methods. The key issues and essential features of open product design will be articulated. A cyber-enabled tool for the open product development process will also be provided. The application examples are included to illustrate the concepts, proposed methods and tools.

Keywords: Open design, open innovation, product architectures

Peihua Gu is currently Professor and Executive Director of Center for Emerging Engineering Education Research and Application, Tianjin University. He was Provost and Vice-President of Shantou University, China. Prior to returning to China, he was Professor and Head of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, the University of Calgary, Canada.

He was Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering and Fellow of CIRP. He was twice awarded Industrial Research and Design Chair by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). He received Joseph Whitworth Prize by Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK in 2009,the Best Technical Paper Award of 2011 CIRP Design Conference, Outstanding Paper Award at 2014 CIRP Design Conference.


His main research contribution including the establishment of Adaptable Design Method, invention of Multi-materials and Multi-processes Deposition Method and various techniques in CAD/CAM. He is an author and co-author of over 280 technical publications. Dr. Gu has been an invited keynote or plenary speakers for many conferences.


Professor Gu served on NSERC of Canada, NSF of China and US, and the Editorial Boards for over 10 Journals. He received his PhD from McMaster University, Canada in 1990, M.Sc. and B.Eng (Dip) from Tianjin University China.


CIRP Design 2019 Keynote 2 - The Evolution of Open Design

Paulo Garrido, Associate Professor

Algoritmi Center University of Minho, LIAAD INESCTEC, Portugal

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This speech will explore the emergence and evolution prospects of open design. One will begin by analyzing the role and consequences of copyright and patent laws in a society that organizes around the market process and mass industrial production. These laws attempt to solve the problem of recouping the cost of information creation by granting a monopoly to the originator.

Next one will consider the advent of free and open software as a reaction to the limitations of information flow, analysis and reuse imposed by the copyright based licensing model of software. Very clearly, open design emerged as a natural extension of open software to the realm of industrial design. Well-known instances of open design initiatives will be reviewed.

One will finalize by conjecturing on the future of open design. The analysis made at the beginning can give some clues on the conditions for open design to become widespread and generally practiced. While open access to information appears as a hallmark of post-market, collaboration based societies, automatic attribution or subsidy schemes can be considered for now.

Paulo Garrido holds a position of Associate Professor at Industrial Electronics Department, School of Engineering, University of Minho, where he is also a researcher at Algoritmi Center.


Inside a cybernetics inspired framework and vision, he has investigated and published on control, intelligence and management problems. Recently, he has concentrated on applying systems concepts to the analysis of organizational and evolution issues of human societies.


CIRP Design 2019 Keynote 3 - Models and Methods for Optimizing Intellectual Property Costs at Open Design

Vladimir Tsyganov, Professor

Institute of Control Sciences, Moscow



The lecture addresses the challenges of managing the use of intellectual property, with the aim of maximally facilitating access to them, and increasing the efficiency of Open Design. The tasks are set to minimize the costs of using different types of intellectual property - copyrights and patents. To solve them, it is presented use mathematical methods of discrete optimization and game theory.

The lecture focuses on the use of game-theoretic methods for analyzing and finding solutions to games between intellectual property owners and consumers of their results. It is proved the necessary and sufficient conditions for the optimality of consumer strategies that minimize their costs of intellectual property. The corresponding theorems define general principles, adhering to which, consumers will be able in practice to minimize their costs of using intellectual property and increase the efficiency of Open Design.

In addition, on the basis of these theorems and dynamic programming methods, practical techniques are developed to minimize the costs of using copyrights and patents. It is shown that these techniques are consistent with current practices of consumers of intellectual property of different categories and scale - from individuals (for example, students, freelancers, enterpreneurs, etc.) to companies that serially produce goods for the market.

V. Tsyganov is currently Professor and Chief Researcher at the Institute of Control Sciences, Moscow. He is also the Head of Moscow Department of the Institute for Transport Problems.

V. Tsyganov is the author of more than 20 monographs and more than 400 other scientific publications. His monograph “Intellectual Enterprise / Mechanisms for Mastering Capital and Power / Theory and Practice of Organization Control” was recognized by the Russian Association of Book Publishers as the Best Book of 2004. Awarded a diploma of Advisor to the President of Russia (2010).

V. Tsyganov is a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, a member of IFAC TC 9.5 Technology, Culture and International Stability, a member of IFAC TC 5.4 Large-Scale Complex Systems. He was a member of program committees, invited keynote speaker and plenary speaker at many international conferences.

V. Tsyganov received his PhD at the Institute of Control Sciences in 1979; M.Sc. at the Moscow Physico-Technical Institute in 1972; M.Sc. at National Institute of Intellectual Property in 1973.


© 2023 by Memória Plural Associação

Published on February 2023. Updated on May 2024

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