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Innovative Conference Sessions

The Conference Organizing Committee is committed to the goal of providing an innovative conference organisation. The new organisation is intended to provide an innovative environment for the Conference participants through the new type of conference sessions for participants PROACTIVE GENERATIVE COLLABORATIVE LEARNING, which is the main Conference meta-objective, and its innovative offer.


We have decided that the conference sessions organisation model will follow the ECCON (European Chaos and Complexity Management in Organizations Network) sessions model as an innovative model, and adapt it to the CIRP CMS 2024 environment.We use this opportunity to thank to ECCON community for their contribution.


The innovative organisation will provide:


The Conference organisation strongly encourages authors to submit the papers to the “dialogue” type of session and to provide a new experience for themselves and the community too.

However, for the authors who prefer the “traditional” formal presentation model, the Conference organisation also provides the “author’s formal presentation” sessions. 

Evaluation of the papers submitted to both types of sessions, will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee, in order to decide on the paper acceptance, and in the (acceptance) positive case, to recommend improvements for the paper before submitting the final version.

Therefore, the authors will receive the reviews in due time in order to prepare and submit the final, improved version of the paper – please see the “IMPORTANT DATES”.

Please see below the conceptual, and process, differences for both types of sessions:



This session-type is conceived in order to provide an innovative environment for the Conference participants’ “PROACTIVE GENERATIVE COLLABORATIVE LEARNING”, which is the main Conference meta-objective, and its innovative offer.

This type of session is “focused to enable the dialogue among participants”.


(No formal presentations)

Within these sessions, “there will be no formal paper presentations by the authors. Instead, there will be pre-organised, concise commentaries by one or two reviewers, followed by questions and answers, or discussions.

The participants will be asked to play the role(s) of reviewer and/or dialogue/discussion leader for one of the papers.

The role of reviewer consists of reading the paper, writing a concise critical commentary (one or two A4 pages) prior to the conference meeting, and presenting it in the plenary or allocated session.

The role of dialogue/discussion leader consists of urging questions and stimulating discussions following the review, the time-keeping, and creating a constructive atmosphere for dialogue.”

In other words, there will be “face-to-face” dialogue among author(s) and reviewer(s), and other participants.

The author(s) will be notified firstly, on the acceptance of the paper for the “dialogue session” and secondly, about the reviewer(s) allocated for presenting the paper and the review(s) during the conference session.


This type of the session is the well-known model: “traditional” formal presentations of the papers by the author(s).

This type of sessions consists of two parts:

1) The formal presentation of the paper by the author during 10-15 min; and

2) Questions by the session participants and the author’s answers, during, typically, 5-10 min. 

 The group of formal presentations within one time slot is usually chaired by a Session Chairperson.

Dialogue session
Âncora 1

© 2023 by Memória Plural Associação

Published on February 2023. Updated on May 2024

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