Registration Fee (per person) for Early Bird (until 10th April) 650 €
Registration Fee (per person) after 10th April 750 €
Additional Paper (per registered person) 350 €
Conference Dinner for accompanying person 80 € / person
Welcome Reception Cocktail for accompanying person 40 € / person
Lunch for accompanying person 40 € / person / lunch
Registration Fee (per person) for the Workshop 1 (7th May, 2019) 130 €
Registration Fee (per person) for the Workshop 2 (7th May, 2019) 130 €
Please click here to download the Registration Form.
After filling up the registration form, please send the filled .pdf file (not a copy - because of automated data processing functionality) by email to cirpdesign2019@gmail.com.
For registration fee payments by Credit Card, after filling up the Credit Card Payment Form, please send the signed copy of the form by email to cirpdesign2019@gmail.com.
Registration includes attending the conference, welcome reception cocktail, lunch during the conference days, conference dinner and coffee breaks (Procedia CIRP proceedings are open access and indexed on SCOPUS).
Registration fee for the Workshops includes lunch and coffee breaks. Registration fee for the Workshops for undergraduate students is free (not incluiding lunch), under the condition of available seats.
For every accepted paper at least one registration fee (or additional paper fee for the same registrant) must be paid by April 10th 17th, so that the paper can be included in the Conference Program and published in the Conference Proceedings.
One full registration gives right to present one paper and its inclusion in the conference proceedings. The publication and presentation of additional papers is possible under the extra payment of 350 EUR per paper.
Papers must have a minimum 3 pages and maximum 6 pages.
Registration fees do not include: Flights, transfers from/to the airport, or accommodation.
Cancellation Policy:
If cancelled before and included 30th April, 2019, registration fee will be refunded less 15% plus bank’s costs. No refunds will be given for cancellations made after 30th April, 2019.
Cancellation requests must be communicated by email to cirpdesign2019@gmail.com
The Organising Committees and/or Conference Organisers shall not be held liable for personal accidents or losses or damage to private property of registered delegates of the Conference. Delegates should make their own arrangements in respect of personal insurance.